The Greek wine revolution

The knowledge gleaned over the years by the research carried out by the Greek Wine Institute, the training of young oenologists abroad, the setting up of a School of Oenology at the Athens Technological Educational Institute (TEI), the special training in oenology at the Chemistry Department of the University of Athens and the recruitment of scientists by wine-producing companies, in combination with the great socio-political shifts in Greece, all contributed to bringing about what is known today as the “Greek wine revolution” of the 1980’s and the 1990’s.

Each of the factors mentioned above helped in its own way: The research conducted helped winegrowers and oenologists apply new techniques in the vinification of Greek varieties. The oenologists who were educated abroad helped in producing “international-style” wines from foreign, chiefly international varieties which were vinified mostly on their own or were blended with Greek ones. Last, the applied research and technological education TEI graduates engaged in contributed to a general improvement of the image of wines to such an extend that one could speak of a Greek wine revolution. Distinctions in international competitions came in increasing frequency and are a common occurence today -a reward for the long-term efforts of vintners, wine producers and oenologists alike.