This year’s road shows by HEPO

  • Date de publication: 02/05/2012
  • Auteur: admin

Just like every year, this year, the Hellenic Foreign Trade Board (HEPO) is organizing road shows for Greek wine which will take place on the 10th, 15th and 17th of May, in Montreal, Toronto (Canada) and New York (USA), respectively.

More analytically, in Montreal (at the Montreal Science Center), 11:30-12:30 a round table conference is being organized on the subject of the place Greek wine has in Quebek’s market, emphasizing on its presence in restaurants. Journalist and ambassador of New Wines of Greece, Veronique Rivest will be the main speaker and the well-known journalist Nadia Fournier and sommeliers Veronique Dalle and Ryan Gray will participate. Shortly after, 13:00-16:00 a reception will take place, including a tasting of wines from wineries taking part in the road show.

In Toronto (Metropolitan Toronto Hotel), a round table conference on the subject of Greek wine’s place in Ontario’s market, with emphasis put on its presence in restaurants will take place from 11:30 to 12:30. Master Sommelier and journalist John Szabo will be the main speaker of the conference while Igor Ryjenkow, Master of Wine (MW) and purchaser of Vintages from LCBO, Jennifer Huether, Master Sommelier(MS) and William Predhomme), sommelier will be the members of the panel. After that, a reception including tasting of wines produced by the wineries in the road show will take place from 13:00 to 16:00.

New York’s event (in Espace event Venue) will take place in Espace event Venue 12:00-16:00 and will include a reception and tasting of wines from the wineries taking part in the road show. Right after the event (16:00-17:00 approximately) a webinar (web-seminar) will take place, this will be an educational seminar which will be projected live online. The two American ambassadors of New Wines of Greece, Steven Olsen and Doug Frost MW & MS will be the main speakers and Greek wine producers will take part. Important bloggers, journalists and sommeliers from different states of America will participate in the tasting via the Internet.